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发布日期:2025-01-04 10:34    点击次数:56

今天是早安英文陪你一起进步的第9年又191天INTRODUCTION点击观看今天外刊精讲直播的文章来自《经济学人》的——Japan is wrong to try to prop up the yen日本一直在试图拯救日元,今年日元兑美元汇率更是跌破了三十多年的新低,最近日本政府又开始大笔购入外汇,但结果呢?日元还是跌跌不休。这简直就是在做无用功!而日元贬值使得购买奢侈品变得更加划算,吸引了大量游客前往日本购物。2024年和早安英文贝贝老师一起读外刊添加贝贝老师的个人微信获取完整版外刊文稿+外教原声朗读学有所得 2024年进步✌Japan is wrong to try to prop up the yen.Supporting the currency is expensive and futile.✅翻译:日本试图支撑日元是错误的,日本政府的外汇干预措施昂贵且徒劳!重点词汇:futile可以翻译为 "无效的"、"无益的"、"徒劳的" 或者 "无用的"。例句:It's futile to argue with someone who refuses to listen.和一个拒绝倾听的人争论是徒劳的。例句:She made a futile attempt to repair the broken vase.她试图修复破损的花瓶,但徒劳无功。It is easy for investors to lose a fortune in the financial markets—and even easier for governments. In 2022 Japan spent more than $60bn of its foreign-exchange reserves defending the yen, its firstinterventionto strengthen the currency since 1998, after the exchange rate fell to nearly ¥146 to the dollar. And for what? Today the yen is weaker still. Yet instead of learning that fighting the market is futile, policymakers are repeating the mistake. After falling to ¥160 to the dollar on April 29th, its lowest in 34 years, the currency twice moved sharply upwards in thesubsequentdays. It seems the government is buying again, to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.✅翻译:投资者很容易在金融市场上损失惨重,而政府则更是如此。2022 年,在日元汇率跌至 1 美元兑近 146 日元后,日本花费了 600 多亿美元的外汇储备来保护日元,这是自 1998 年以来日本首次采取干预措施来加强日元汇率。为了什么?如今,日元依然疲软。然而,决策者非但没有认识到与市场对抗是徒劳的,反而重蹈覆辙。在 4 月 29 日跌至 1 美元兑 160 日元的 34 年来的最低点后,日元在随后的几天里两次大幅上扬。看来政府又在买进了,买进的金额高达数百亿美元。重点词汇:intervention中文翻译是 "干预" 或者 "介入"例句:The therapist recommended family intervention to address the teenager's substance abuse problem.治疗师建议进行家庭干预,以解决青少年的药物滥用问题。例句:International intervention was necessary to resolve the conflict between the two neighboring countries.国际干预是解决两个邻国之间冲突的必要手段。重点词汇:subsequent"随后的" 或者 "后续的"例句:He failed his first attempt but succeeded in subsequent tries.他第一次尝试失败了,但在后续的尝试中成功了。The yen has been falling primarily because of simple economic logic. The gap in interest rates between Japan and America is yawning. Although the Bank of Japan raised rates in March, it did so by only asmidgen: they increased from between minus 0.1% and zero to between zero and 0.1%. Rates in booming America, by contrast, are more than five percentage points higher. Investors expect the gap to shrink a little over time, but not by much. As a result a ten-year Japanese government bond yields just 0.9%, compared with 4.6% for an American Treasury of the samematurity.✅翻译:日元下跌的主要原因是简单的经济逻辑。日本和美国的利率差正在拉大。尽管日本央行在 3 月份提高了利率,但幅度微乎其微:从负 0.1% 到零,提高到零到 0.1%。相比之下,蓬勃发展的美国的利率却高出五个百分点以上。投资者预计,随着时间的推移,这一差距会缩小一些,但不会太大。因此,日本十年期国债的收益率仅为 0.9%,而美国同期限国债的收益率为 4.6%。重点词汇:smidgen"一点点" 或者 "少许",它最早出现在19世纪中期,用来表示极小的量或者程度。一种说法是,"smidgen" 可能是从 "smitch" 或 "smidgin" 演变而来,这两个词也用来表示小量。"Smidgen" 这个词通常用于口语或非正式场合,形象地描述极少量的东西。例句:She only had a smidgen of interest in the topic.她对这个话题只有一点点兴趣。重点词汇:maturity这个词的源自于拉丁词根 "maturus",意为 "成熟"。在英语中,"maturity" 指的是某事物达到发展、完善或成熟状态的过程或时期。例句:The bonds have a maturity of ten years.这些债券期限为十年。⌈一点点⌋有哪些其他表达?A smidgeon:意为"一点点" 或 "少许"例句:Can you add just a smidgeon of honey to the tea?翻译: 你能给茶里加一点点蜂蜜吗?A modicum:一点点,用来描述数量或程度上的轻微差异或小量。例句:He showed only a modicum of interest in the project.他对这个项目只表现出了一点点兴趣。投资者在金融市场上赔大发了!政府也是,一不小心就掉进了坑。日本花了60多亿美元捍卫日元,结果现在日元还是弱不禁风。政府又开始买买买,几十亿美元啊!日元之所以跌成这样,经济逻辑很简单啦。日本和美国的利率差距巨大。日本提高了利率,但只是一点点,而美国利率高得飞起。所以,日元只能跌啊跌。想要获取剩下九段外刊原文+翻译?添加贝贝老师微信⬇️